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It’s your weekend away from family and friends. Just the two of you want to spend some much needed alone time. You are really prepared for a night of loving and yeah, amazing sex but wait are you really ready? What you eat directly influences your hormones which in turn affect your brain chemistry which affects your moods. Just as there are foods that comfort you or relax you, there are also foods that put you in the mood for some very romantic love making or just hot steaming sex. Let’s take a little trip to the chemistry lab. Now there are some foods that are known to be a natural aphrodisiac (pheromone for sex that puts you in the mood) while others increase the blood flow to the penis. It is important to choose only natural foods with aphrodisiac properties because they rarely have side effects. I will only be listing foods that can be readily available in Nigeria. Here are some foods that once consumed can increase your sexuality, sex drive and also put you and your partner in the mood. DARK CHOCOLATE. This is popularity known as a comfort food, used to satisfy a sweet tooth and also used as a mood enhancer. A bar of chocolate contains Anandamide which makes you feel sexually aroused and also Phenylethylamine (PEA) which releases dopamine hormone in the pleasure centers of the brain. Dopamine release is associated with excitement, attraction and a feeling of ecstasy. So when you need to get in the mood, grab a bar of chocolate. GARLIC AND GINGER. In some cultures, minors are not allowed to eat this hot and pungent herbs not because it may cause them to have garlic breath but because it is a well know natural aphrodisiac. Garlic and ginger aid in blood circulation and increase flow of blood to the genitals. So Include garlic in your meal as seasoning or sauce and feel yourself get turned on. AVOCADOS This allows couples have healthy sexual functions. Its monosaturated fats, minerals, and vitamin B6 give you an energy boost that allows you stay active in bed longer and the omega 3 fatty acids elevate your mood for sex in a natural way. HONEY Have you tried licking honey off your partner during sex? Well here is another reason to include honey to your bedroom play. Honey is rich in boron which is important for the metabolism of the lead hormone for female sexual function estrogen. It is also known to boost the libido levels of men and women. SPINACH One of the most beloved greens is not left out when it comes to making sex more pleasurable. Spinach contains magnesium which decreases inflammation of blood vessels increasing blood flow which in turns makes erections come more naturally and lovemaking more pleasurable.

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