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Improve your natural beauty with Honey. Do you know your hair, skin, and nails can benefit from using homemade natural remedies derived from Honey? Made by the alchemy of bees collecting nectar, pollen and resins honey can help moisturize, fight aging, bacteria, and contains loads of antioxidants and healing compounds. Nothing is as beautiful as your natural beauty so let’s take some lessons on ways to improve our skin, hair, and nails with honey.

PORE CLEANSER. A mixture of honey, jojoba or coconut oil prevents bacterial build-up which prevents skin imbalance and breakouts while raw honey has enzymes that clarify skin and keeps pores clear and clean. Mix a tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of jojoba or coconut oil until the mixture is a spreadable consistency. Apply to dry skin in a circular motion making sure you avoid your eyes. Rinse with tepid water.

MOISTURIZING MASK Honey draws moisture from the air into the skin and ensures it retained in the layers where it is needed. It’s easy. Just spread one teaspoon of raw honey on clean, dry skin and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.

SCAR FADER Honey lightens skin as well as acts as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds reducing the appearance of scars and increasing tissue regeneration. The hydrating properties of honey and coconut oil or olive oil help revive skin cells. Mix one teaspoon of raw honey with one teaspoon coconut oil or olive oil. Apply to scar area with the tip of your fingers in a circular motion for one or two minutes. Place a hot washcloth over your skin until wash cloth cools. Repeat daily.

ACNE TREATMENT Since honey contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that stop bacteria that can lead to breakouts. It also reduces redness and irritation. Just apply dabs of raw honey to affected areas and sit for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.

BATH SOAK The antioxidants repair skins and protect against environmental damage. Mix two heaps of tablespoons of raw honey with one cup of hot water until it dissolves. Add to a tub of warm water and soak in it.

HAIR CONDITIONER The enzymes and nutrients in raw honey improve the shine of natural hair. A mixture of raw honey with two tablespoons of coconut oil. Apply thoroughly to the bottom two-thirds of damp hair starting from the end and working it up. Rinse after 20 minutes.

SHAMPOO BOOSTER Retain the natural moisture of your hair with honey. Honey also ensures yours have strengthened hair follicles for healthy growth. Mix one teaspoon honey with a small amount of your favorite shampoo and wash as normal ensuring you rinse well.

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