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Strong bones are very important and the only sure way to ensure that you have healthy bones is to eat natural foods that will ensure the growth of strong bones regularly irrespective of what your diet preference.

You need sufficient calcium for strong bones and vitamin D to help your body absorb calcium. The average adult needs about 700mg of calcium daily so as an adult you should include sources of calcium such as milk and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables such as okra, cabbage, soya beans, soya drinks, bread and fish where you eat the bones.

Good sources of Vitamin D include oil fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, eggs, fat spread, breakfast cereals and powdered milk.

If you are a Vegan then you may need to eat more of fortified soya, rice and oat drinks, and calcium-set tofu, sesame seeds, and tahini. Pulses, brown and white bread, dried raisins, prunes, figs and dried apricots.

Vegans can also get vitamin D from fortified fat spreads, breakfast cereals, and soya drinks apart from exposure to summer sunshine.

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