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Aging is something that everyone who grows old must undergo. It is a natural process that happens and is seen overtime. A lot of factors contribute to the aging process and even though there are disagreements on the right combination of factors that causes aging, everyone has the desire to age gracefully.

Now most people focus on either eating to lose weight or stay healthy or build muscle mass etc, we rarely see people who focus on eating to slow down aging. The good news is you need not go through a rigorous diet. All you need to do is include the following list of foods in your daily diet. Once you can achieve that, you are sure to age gracefully and beautifully.

Foods rich in vitamin C


It has been documented that women who take more vitamin C have fewer wrinkles and less dry skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that deletes free radicals -unstable atoms and molecules in the body that harm the cells. So what's the best way to get your dose of vitamin C? have an orange a day with breakfast. You can also include a diet of tomatoes, red pepper, yellow pepper, melon, strawberries and other citrus fruits in your everyday meal.


Eat proteins. Studies show that women who eat less protein have more wrinkles. This is because your body constantly breakdown collagen and protein which then causes the skin to fold itself. Having enough protein ensures you have enough collagen. So you need to eat egg whites, fish like tuna and skinless poultry.


Hold on, did you say fat? Yes, Fat! Sea food like tuna and salmon provides omega 3 fatty acids that fight against sun damage, protecting you against sun burns and skin cancer. So make sure you have on your plate tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, tofu and canola oils.

WHOLE GRAINS UV rays injure the skin and whole grains is a good source of selenium that protects the skin from damages caused by exposure to UV rays. Good source of selenium includes brown rice, oatmeal, barley and whole wheat. These provide you the needed quantity daily without adding calories. Beef, eggs, turkey, tuna and sardines are also a good source of selenium.


Did you know adding color to your meal help reduce aging? The yellow, orange and red pigments found in fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices assist in destroying free radicals. so pile on tomato sauces and tomato paste on your plate. Eat orange tinted vegetables and fruits like carrot, apricots, sweet potato and dark green vegetables like spinach and include a few pinch of parsley.


As a bonus here are foods that speed up the aging process. Sugar, saturated fat, alcohol are some of the foods that speed up aging. Take as little as possible and ensure you add the above foods to your diet.

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